My Boyfriend Puts His Child Before Me

Finding love and building a relationship can be a beautiful experience, but it can also present unique challenges.  This is especially true when your partner has children from a previous relationship. It’s not uncommon for a partner to prioritize their child’s needs and well-being, which can sometimes leave the other partner feeling neglected or secondary. In this article, we’ll explore the complexities of a situation where your boyfriend puts his child before you and provide insights on how to navigate this sensitive issue.

Before delving into the topic, it’s crucial to acknowledge the bond that exists between a parent and their child. The responsibility of raising a child is a lifelong commitment that comes with a deep sense of love, protection, and prioritization. As a partner, it’s important to recognize and respect the strength of this connection, as it forms the foundation of your boyfriend’s actions.

We also have a Youtube video on the topic if you are more visual.  Otherwise keep scrolling to read more!

Open Communication

When you feel that your partner is putting their child before you, open and honest communication becomes paramount. Approach the topic with sensitivity and understanding, expressing your feelings and concerns in a calm and non-confrontational manner.  This is an opportunity for both of you to better understand each other’s perspectives and work towards finding a balance that meets everyone’s needs.

Remember that you are important too, and need to be prioritized as well.  When two biological parents are together, their relationship is paramount in order to successfully raise their children.  It would be unfair that you are helping to raise or at least be a caring adult in the child’s life, but your thoughts and needs do not matter.  A loving, caring boyfriend will be understand of this and work together with you to also make your relationship a priority.

Empathy and Putting Yourself in Their Shoes

Developing empathy and attempting to see the situation from your partner’s point of view can be immensely helpful. Consider the challenges and responsibilities your boyfriend faces as a parent, including the instinctive need to prioritize his child’s well-being. By understanding his perspective, you can foster a deeper connection and develop strategies that respect both his role as a parent and your role as his partner.

He may also be dealing with stress related to the child’s mother.  There may be huge conflicts between them, or he may feel that the child’s mother is not a good parent.  Guilt, stress, and confusion may make it difficult for your partner.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries and Having Quality Time

While it’s important to respect the parent-child relationship, it’s equally crucial to establish healthy boundaries within your romantic relationship. Communicate your desire for quality time, emotional support, and attention from your boyfriend. Find a middle ground where both you and his child feel valued and included, without either party feeling neglected.  It may be difficult and cause conflict, but successful conflict resolution is a critical part of any relationship.

Create opportunities for quality time with your boyfriend, both as a couple and as a blended family. Plan date nights, outings, or activities where you can bond and enjoy each other’s company. Additionally, involve the child in activities that foster a sense of togetherness and inclusivity. It is also healthy for your boyfriend’s child to be around a positive relationship, and let them witness the love and support that exists between you and their parent.

Building a Relationship with the Child

Developing a positive and nurturing relationship with your partner’s child can be transformative for your dynamic as a family. Show genuine interest in their life, hobbies, and achievements. Be patient, understanding, and supportive, allowing the child to feel comfortable and secure in your presence. This not only strengthens your bond with the child but also creates a harmonious environment where everyone feels valued.

You don’t have to love the child, but knowing that your partner is a parent means you have to accept the child as part of your life.  There can never be too many caring adults in a child’s life.  As the old saying goes, “Raising a child takes a village”.

Seeking Support and Compromise

If you find it challenging to navigate the situation on your own, consider seeking the guidance of a couples’ therapist or counselor. A neutral third party can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you and your partner find a healthy balance. Additionally, be open to compromise and find solutions that address both your needs and those of your partner’s child.  A therapist has both education and on the job experience with people in similar situations.

Self-Care and Individual Pursuits

While prioritizing your relationship is important, it’s equally vital to prioritize self-care and maintain your own individual pursuits. Engage in activities that bring you joy, nurture your personal growth, and provide a sense of fulfillment.  By nurturing your own well-being, you become a happier and more content partner, ultimately contributing positively to the relationship.  This will also give your partner time to spend alone with their child, as that is also very important.


Navigating a situation where your boyfriend puts his child before you requires patience, understanding, and effective communication. By acknowledging the significance of the parent-child bond, practicing empathy, establishing healthy boundaries, and fostering quality time together, you can create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. Remember, seeking support when needed and prioritizing self-care are essential ingredients in maintaining a healthy and balanced partnership. With mutual respect and a commitment to open dialogue, you can work together to create a loving and inclusive family dynamic.

Author: Elena

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