How To Forgive Yourself For Cheating And Not Telling

So, you messed up and cheated on your partner. The guilt is gnawing at you, and now you’re wondering how to forgive yourself for keeping such a massive secret. Look, honesty is crucial in any relationship, and hiding something as major as infidelity is a recipe for disaster. But hey, I get it. Bringing up your cheating escapades is about as pleasant as a root canal, and there’s a chance your partner might walk away once they find out. If you choose to keep quiet about it, it’s time to do some serious soul-searching and figure out why you strayed in the first place, and how to ensure it never happens again. No need to stress, I’m here to offer some casual advice on navigating this sticky situation.

We’ve also got a Youtube video on the topic if you’re more visual.  Otherwise keep on reading below!


1. Reflect on Your Cheating Episode

Take a moment to think about why you cheated. Was it a one-time slip-up or a well-planned affair? Did it happen multiple times or was it a solitary event? Consider the timeline too – was it recent or something from the distant past? Are you genuinely in love with your partner and committed to being with them, or is there some unhappiness lurking beneath the surface? Could it be that you’re overwhelmed with work, kids, or other external factors, and cheating provided a temporary escape? Dig deep and try to understand the underlying reasons for your actions.

2. The Consequences of Secret Cheating

Cheating not only hurts your partner emotionally, but it can also put them at risk of health issues. Keeping them in the dark about your actions is not fair. Imagine if they were to get sick or test positive for an infection or disease unknowingly. You might find yourself with no choice but to confess. It’s important to consider the potential consequences and take responsibility for the impact your actions can have on your partner’s well-being.

3. The Thrill of Forbidden Attraction

Let’s face it, the excitement of a new relationship can be incredibly alluring. The initial stages are filled with physical attraction and a sense of adventure. Cheating and affairs may seem thrilling because they offer an escape from the everyday struggles and responsibilities of a long-term relationship. Plus, it’s a massive ego boost to know that you’ve still got it. But pause for a moment and think about what would happen if you were to leave your spouse for your affair partner. Real-life issues would come crashing down, including divorce proceedings, property division, custody battles, confused children, and the wrath of family and friends. Suddenly, that affair doesn’t seem so romantic, does it?

4. Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Take a moment to consider how you would feel if the situation were reversed, and your partner cheated on you. Infidelity is painful, and it’s likely that learning about it would cause you significant hurt and upset. Reflect on your own feelings and reactions to infidelity. Would you prefer to be kept in the dark, or would you want to know and have a chance to process it? Regardless of your personal stance, it’s essential to recognize the emotional turmoil that cheating can inflict on someone you supposedly care about.

5. Assess Your Happiness in the Relationship

If you cheated because you’re unhappy in your current relationship, it’s time to take a hard look at whether staying together is the right choice. Sure, staying for the kids or financial stability might seem like the responsible thing to do, but it’s not fair to anyone involved. Sometimes couples grow apart, and there’s no shame in acknowledging that you’re no longer happy together. Ending a relationship, especially one that’s deeply intertwined, is never easy, but it may be necessary for both of you to find happiness elsewhere.

6. Seek Professional Help

Whether you decide to stay with your partner or part ways, therapy can be incredibly beneficial. Talking to a professional can help you work through your emotions, understand why you cheated, and guide you towards a healthier path with your spouse. Perhaps you need to spend more quality time together, feel more respected, receive more affection, or seek support in managing household chores and child-rearing. Identifying your needs and addressing any underlying issues in your relationship can pave the way for healing and growth.

7. Cut All Ties with Your Affair Partner

If you’re serious about rebuilding trust and commitment with your partner, it’s crucial to sever all ties with your affair partner. Being friends or continuing to see each other will only undermine your efforts to heal the relationship. Granted, this might not be easy, especially if you have unavoidable encounters or work together. But putting in the effort to cut off contact is a clear sign that you’re committed to moving forward with your life and rebuilding what’s been broken.

8. Moving Forward: Forgiving Yourself

Let’s be real, forgiving yourself for cheating and not telling your partner won’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes time and introspection. Beating yourself up endlessly won’t do any good either. Instead, focus on moving forward and taking care of yourself and your family as best as you can. Remember, nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and strive to be a better partner from this point onward.


In any relationship, honesty is truly the best policy. Keeping your cheating a secret isn’t fair, but ultimately, the decision on what to do rests with you. Just remember, reflection, open communication, and personal growth are key. Whether you choose to come clean or work on yourself and your marriage, strive to be the best partner you can be. It won’t be easy, but with time, effort, and a commitment to change, healing is possible.

Remember, we’re all human, and relationships are messy. Take it one step at a time, and remember to be kind to yourself along the way.

Author: Elena

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